Specific Energy Healing Session
Chose from a number of specific healing modalities
Service Description
Amora Energy Healing offers a range of specific transformative healing sessions led by Paulina the overview of these can be found below. Seraphim Healing Session Receive the unconditional love from these Celestial, high vibration fiery beings. As I channel their diamond flame and light through you with the sacred healing rays transforming and transmuting lower vibrations into a higher pure love, harmony and joy enhanced with crystals and sound for a blissful but powerful session. Rose Reiki Healing Experience the beautiful Divine Feminine healing through the Rose Healing Ray. The energy is overnighted by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin and Aphrodite It is especially good for embodying self-love, deep inner beauty, self-esteem, empowerment and womb healing. Lemurian Reiki Healing A deep awakening experience through this new earth healing Ray. Your energies will be activated to bring in the Light of Lemuria through the Lemurian healing masters. You will recieve healing and activations of your light body, DNA, keys, codes, upgrades, gifts, skills and talents. Angelic Reiki Healing As an Angelic Reiki Master I channel through the Angels and Masters to bring a blissful but deep healing of the mind, body and spirit. The unconditionally loving angels upgrade your DNA and cells and activate your light body creating transformation, peace and harmony. I also offer Angelic training and retreats. Please let Paulina know which option that you would prefer upon booking.
Cancellation Policy
To reschedule please contact in at least 24hrs in advance.
Contact Details
Online via Zoom
Wales, UK