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With my partner and Founder of Full Power Cacao Liam Browne we offer Full Power Cacao Ceremonies all over the uk.  We also offer Master Of Ceremonies Full Power Cacao Facilitator Trainings to hold space and host your own Cacao Ceremonies in your own unique way.

These 5hr Powerful Full Power Ceremonies take you on a deep journey like no other with the sacred medicine of Cacao to fully open your heart and align you with your  Soul, your power and your passion. Working with lady Cacao this is deep transformational work to clear all that no longer serves and align you with your highest potential. You will experience meditation, sound healing, journaling, breathwork, kirtan, dance, healing  channeling and light language. This usually triggers an emotional release, clearing and transformation, bliss and euphoria.


For more information visit Full Power Cacao site.

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A Full Power Cacao Handfasting Ceremony is the divine alchemy of two age old traditions coming together to create a new magical and memorable experience. Myself and my Divine partner Master of Ceremonies Liam Browne with his Ceremonial Grade Full Power Cacao bring you a truly unique experience that is bespoke to you.


The Ceremony takes the couple on a journey of connection into each other’s hearts and souls aligning them with their higher selves, the Divine and Mother Earth and Lady Cacao. The blessing takes place over a specially prepared sacred circle of blessed flowers and special objects to the couple. The power of the elements are brought into the ceremony to bless and deepen the seal and the couple’s bond. That love is then sealed by the couple’s hands being placed together and bound by a ribbon symbolizing and confirming their union of love and words from the divine are channeled through. The couple drink blessed Full Power Cacao from a sacred chalice. This opens and connects their hearts and allows the liquid elixir to flow through their bodies so their lives together can flow with ease and grace and be filled with joy and abundance. The whole Ceremony is filled with joy and laughter, singing, dancing, sound healing or shamanic drumming, Kirtan, mantra and poetry to raise the vibration of all. We then perform a personalized Cacao Ceremony with an option of ecstatic dance with the focus on the love of the couple and the love everyone present has for them.


 All in all a truly unique, magical and FULL POWER experience.


For more information visit Full Power Cacao site.

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