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1st and 2nd DEGREE ANGELIC

“Are you being called to heal with the Angels for yourself or others then this 2 and half day workshop is for you”

Become An Angelic Reiki Practitioner facilitated by myself as a Multidimensional Angelic Master Healer. You will be trained to practitioner level through the complete system of healing and reiki symbols attuned through the angelic vibration. You will also be attuned to the angelic kingdom and experience giving and receiving hands on healing experience. You will be attuned to different healing modalities.


- The technique used to attune healing tools eg. crystals.

- A master crystal to hold the divine Angelic codes of Healing.

- A comprehensive practitioner’s manual.

- Certificate of training achievement to 1st & 2nd degree in Angelic Reiki (this enables the practitioner to gain insurance to practice).

As a healer willing to work with Angels in this way, you offer a great and wonderful service to all and yourselves. This is a powerful and transformative training and attunement leading to the opportunity to do the 3rd and 4th degree to become an Angelic Reiki Master.

Cost: £252 for training, manuals, certificate and master crystal with Angelic codes.

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A deep awakening experience ovelighted by the Healing Masters of Lemuria to activate your lightbody, keys, codes, upgrades, gifts, skills and talents. With the attunement you will be activated to hold the Light codes of Lemuria within you so that you can heal and attune others.

This attunement is usually given to those who have already been attuned to a modality of Reiki. 

- One to One Attunement

- Booklet and certificate


2hrs £222 over zoom or in person

Group Attunement Day workshop £222

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Experience this beautiful Divine Feminine attunement through the Rose Healing Ray. The energy is held by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Ouan Yin and Aphrodite It is especially good for embodying a deeper self-love, deep inner beauty, self-esteem, empowerment and radiance. It is healing and nourishing for the womb. The attunement is of the Divine Feminine ray and Rose lineage. You are activated to heal

others and take the Rose light and love with you everywhere you go.

sound healing:


- One to One Attunement

- Booklet and certificate


2hrs £222 over zoom or in person

Group Attunement Day workshop £222

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Become a FULL POWER CACAO CEREMONY FACILITATOR by completing our Master of Ceremonies Level 1 Training Course and begin holding your own Cacao Ceremonies with FULL POWER CACAO.

A Cacao Ceremony Training like no other!!

Learn how to create and hold your own unique and Powerful Cacao Ceremony with integrity and grace! Receive the wisdom and knowledge of over 11 years of ceremony experience with the Master of cacao, healing, sound therapy, shamanic journeying, meditation, yogic principles, upgrades and activations and much more. Prepare for expansion.

Price£888.00 including  accommodation, food , activities, training, work book, certification, cacao, aftercare, and much more

To find out more information of book visit Full Power Cacao Site

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